Business Closed
Most of the followers and fans of Snowbird Banjo Company know we have permanently closed our shop. Many of the tools have already been sold. I am still in the process of liquidating much of what I had. While it’s difficult to see some of my favorite tools leaving into the hands of other people, I am ready to move on to a new chapter in life.
I am having to update my website with the notification on the front page due to continued requests for banjos or repairs. I no longer am doing repairs or builds… I don’t even have a garage or shop building to work from and my living room is too small.
Going forward, I am backing up this website to keep for posterity but come October 3rd, www.SnowbirdBanjo.com will cease to exist. I do have 2 banjo’s I am willing to sell left…. you can see them here in the store … while it’s available.
You can access the original Site Front Page Via THIS LINK
Thank you All again
Jeremy Myers