Snowbird Banjo Co Is Closed
Many of my followers know that Snowbird Banjo Company has closed its doors for business, but over the past few months I have wavered back and forth about keeping it for the future when a building and location may become available.
During this time of introspection, I have come to the conclusion that Snowbird Banjo Co has completed its course and the purpose it had is also complete. It is hard to step away from the thought of making musical instruments but I have outgrown this stage of my life and it’s time to move on.
Many questions of how to sell everything still remain. I do not want to just let it go for song, I worked hard and paid a lot of interest on the tools and cannot allow myself to let them go for less than they’re worth. I am finding that the longer I see the equipment in the storage building, the more I think to myself, “maybe someday in the future”. But this thought brings with it a burden of which I need to remove in order to move on with my life and start a new chapter. I originally posted here on this site about closing but I removed it for the sake of a new owner and hoped that I could sell the business outright. But with that said, I need to get the word out that SNOWBIRD BANJO CO is FORSALE. I am only asking $40,000 for everything. I have a Inventory list (click here) that totals the estimated “new value” of every item in the shop and it all comes to over $60,000. I feel reducing the price of everything to $40k is fair. Many items are probably worth more than I estimated them for such as jigs and home made tools. Also snowbirdbanjo.com is bleeding out money monthly as well, and I am going to have to make changes soon there.
I plan to leave this site up until October 3, 2024 and then it will deactivate. If I have anyone interested in buying the entire company from Inventory to LLC to Website etc., I will reactivate automatic renewal of the domain and we can negotiate the transition of ownership.
If you know of anyone interested in carrying on the Snowbird Banjo torch, please let them know time is running out. Once the website is gone, I will begin selling the individual items out of the storage building.
As hard as it is to let all of this go, it is even harder to go on as things are. It’s time to close the book on this story. Maybe someone else can pick up this book, and write a few more chapters.
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Jack of all trades, husband of one, father of three, player of music, and a rider of wind. Divergent